Your smile changes everything!

Gingival Plastic Surgery

Clínica de Plástica Gengival em São Caetano do Sul
Feeling beautiful and good about yourself is your right, and you deserve it. A much sought-after technique is gingival plastic surgery.
This technique is used to reshape the gums when a person is not satisfied with their size or shape.

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Clínica de Plástica Gengival em São Caetano do Sul
Clínica de Plástica Gengival em São Caetano do Sul

What is gingival plastic surgery?

Gingival plastic surgery refers to reconstructive gum surgeries, covering exposed roots, and thickening thin gums. These surgeries aim to enhance the red aesthetic aspect of the gums.

Prerequisites for gingival plastic surgery:

For the surgery to be successful, it is essential that all periodontal issues have been addressed, there is no bacterial plaque, and overall, the patient’s oral health is in good condition.

How is gingival plastic surgery performed?

There are various techniques for gingival plastic surgeries, but they all essentially involve the detachment of the gum tissue, always taking care to preserve the papillae (the “triangles” located between the teeth). The anesthesia used in gingival plastic surgery procedures is local infiltrative, using anesthetic carpules and tubes tailored to the patient, considering their specific needs, medical history, clinical examination, and past experiences.

How do I know if I should undergo gingival plastic surgery?

Gingival plastic surgery is designed to reshape the gums for patients who are unhappy with their smile.

Do you know the prerequisites for gingival plastic surgery?

The primary step for the procedure is to conduct oral examinations to ensure there is no bacterial plaque or periodontal disease present. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to us on WhatsApp: (11) 96953-6028.

Want to learn more about Gingival Plastic Surgery? Click HERE and speak with our experts




Dental Implant Specialist

Experienced Implantologists, highly trained staff, and state-of-the-art technology. All designed with your safety in mind.


We have five treatment rooms, one specifically for post-surgical care to ensure the patient's complete recovery.

Human-Centered Treatment

Our entire team is dedicated to restoring happiness, self-esteem, chewing strength, and quality of life for you!

Wheelchair Accessibility

Accessibility for wheelchair patients: elevator access, level flooring, and restrooms equipped for your comfort and safety.

On-Site Parking

For the enhanced comfort and convenience of our patients, we offer on-site parking.


Genuine testimonials from patients who found their best smile with Perrella Dental Clinic!

Atendimento excelente a Dra. Mariana é maravilhosa. O tratamento e o atendimento foi excelente estou feliz e satisfeita com o resultado. Muito obrigada a todas(os).
Maria Conceição
Recomendo sempre, sem medo! Precisei de uma cirurgia e a equipe da Clínica Perrella que me auxiliou, após a cirurgia iniciei meu tratamento ortodôntico.Parabéns a toda equipe!
Gilson Rocha
Excêlente atendimento com uma profissional altamente competente. Parabéns a Clínica Perrella um modelo de clínica odontológica!
Gaetana Russo Piotto